
投票項目 ( 單選 ) 參與人數 73

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[Eng] 英文作文改評(3)


Write an essay on the following topic: “As a young person, you must have a lot of dream. If you were granted the opportunity to fulfill ONE dream, what would that be? Why would you want that one dream to come true?”

A dream that may not be fulfilled

    Everyone has their own dreams, especially youngsters. It is because there are plenty of possibilities in their life. As a member of them, I, myself, have various kinds of dreams which I really want to reach them. However, there are lots of dreams that they cannot be controlled by me. For myself, I want to be a war reporter due to the attention of related people in the wars. For my parents, I hope they are long life. For my society, I aim she can become more harmonious. For the world, I wish she is peaceful. Nevertheless, those cannot be reached easily by myself. But if I were provided a chance to fulfill my dream, I would choose the last one.

    The influences of wars are very deep, including the shrinking of population and the violence among the societies. A good example of this is the war of Middle East. It is the differences between Islam and Christianity that causes the war among those countries. The armies always kill the citizens wrongly. They may be a foreign reporter, a parent of a child… Violence among the societies are stem from the wars as well. Nationals may rob other’s possessions or attack people during the war. Harmony is not a word in the dictionary of those societies. So terrible is the war in our Earth.

    The fear of war leads to my dream of world peace. If my dream can be reached successfully, it is what a wonderful world. Imagine that it is a world with no wars. No people are killed because of the wars. The children can live with their fellow parents in a beautiful house with health. And the war reporters? Their works will certainly be cancelled but leave the post with happiness. It is confidences among citizens that make the harmonious communities. People can trust someone around them. People can believe that no one will attack themselves because of wars. We all can lives in those secure places which are the paradise for us. Such a beautiful world is our Earth.

     Therefore, the reason of fulfilling my dream is that human can lives in the peaceful world. In fact, my other dreams can also be reached by fulfilling the dream of having a peaceful world. Nonetheless, I have no opportunity to reach one of my dream which is being a war reporter. Actually, who really wants to be a member of them? I am happy if there are no jobs for the war reporters. I am happy if my dream can be reached.

[ 本帖最後由 EtaCarinae 於 2014-1-11 12:00 AM 編輯 ]


1)The title is very pessimistic, plus, it doesnt fit the topic given to u, which is about the one dream that u want to fulfill - whether it can be fulfilled or not is not within the discussion.

2)"Everyone has their own dreams, especially youngsters. It is because there are plenty of possibilities in their life. "
This statement makes sense. But i would rearrange it to make it sound better, e.g.
There are plenty of possibilities in life, especially in our life, the unsettled youngsters' life. We dare to dream about making the impossible possible. If i were granted a chance to fulfill my dream, i would choose to...

3) it is simply difficult to write on 'world peace'. i would choose another theme to write on. U are writing really general stuff that ppl can probably find in history textbooks. If so, i would rather read history textbooks but not ur writing.
This topic is about YOUR dream, so i would really devote my time and brainpower into thinking what kind of dream would move myself. i would put my effort into recollecting wt sort of things would make myself shed tears or ignite my own passion and give me motivation. This topic is ultimately about urself, a young, passionate and confident individual. I won't write BIG themes like world peace.


it should be war correspondent I think


Your sentences somehow seem so strange to me, though there are just a few grammatical mistakes.  My only suggestion is to choose your words carefully.


people do not write like this.


上年英文拎3 (3323)
自問上年英文係差到 i am play balls..唔知by/ on等等既字後面個verb要+ing,亦唔識好多句法 但都拎到3..
買埋卷作文都係lv3頭差d lv4



[ 本帖最後由 EtaCarinae 於 2014-1-11 02:03 AM 編輯 ]




回覆 6# EtaCarinae 的帖子


>> 你暫時未handle 到世界性問題,
唔好講咁大話世界, 你剛剛寫香港社會 都有好多改善空間
唔係話唔寫得, 但係你要黎緊dse 就寫 d需要 宏觀既theme, given 3個月時間, 要突然handle 得好好係好大難度,
就算你肯博曬老命狂煲economist, time 去擴闊&加深國際視野, 其實亦唔化算。

呢一題容許你寫自己既事, 我會視之為著數
通常寫自己野, 親身經歷, 個人感受 etc 都係較易寫得好

當然唔係所有題目都可以俾你up 自己野啦,
所以對社會時事 /自身以外的事 建立critical thinking, 咁基本上都可以應付dse writing

我會rewrite 囉, 係自己對自己要求, 同埋從不斷既摸索中&對自己舊野既不滿中 你自己會知道乜野係好d


回覆 1# EtaCarinae 的帖子

俾d 實際suggestions 你

expressions 可以interchange:
fulfill my dream
realise my dream
achieve my goal
make my dream come true
reach my dream

另外我唔知你篇野咩grade, 我唔係marker, 不過講真如果有人響forum度俾個5你, 你係咪就會繞埋雙手等到dse, 打算食老本?
post 文上forum 唔會係諗住俾人讚或者係要人肯定掛




唔識英文又係3 識多少少又係3


回覆 1# EtaCarinae 的帖子

should be 'As for my family, I hope my parents will live long.'


In my opinion, the topic itself is very awkward. To the best of my knowledge, HKEAA won't require candidates to write on such an ambiguous topic. If you really want to train your writing, try to attempt those appearing in the past papers.

Speaking of your essay, I reckon that it is somewhat nutritionally skewed ,which means that you write too much on the first paragraph, while neglecting to develop your ideas in the body paragraphs. Your views towards wars will surely be appreciated by the markers, but it is anticipated that your opponents, other candidates, will produce similar ideas. The best approach should be writing something closely related to your daily life, and showing your deep reflection of your life.

Language: a mess. Some sentences are incomprehensible for me. e.g. Their works will certainly be cancelled but leave the post with happiness

333= 9/21


James 2013 中文5* 英文5**


但唔難發現EAA既LV5 SAMPLE文都有唔少GRAMMAR錯,甚至係串錯低層次既字

btw grade我唔敢比,因為老師先係最知道你係咩grade


五科拎4都唔洗 就入到教院


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