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[Eng] writing:2012 dse Social issues

writing:2012 dse Social issues

DSE 2012 English Paper 2

Q9. Learning English through Social Issues

Your school magazine is going to include a special feature on mental health. Recently, one of your friends was suffering from depression. Write an article for the school magazine about your friend’s depression and how he/she overcame it. Give advice to others on how to help fight depression.

When it comes to depression,it strikes me that one of my best friends who had suffered from depression.He is Tony,my Form six classmate.At the moment,we were preparing for Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination(HKDSE).One day,we went to a study room in Tai Po Public Library to revise Mathematics.When we were doing exercises,I found that Tony seemed to be a little upset and unhappy.Then I ask him what had happened and he told me that he was so depressed and under great academic stress.So worried was I such that I suggested he see a psychiatrist.

Afterwards,we immediately went to see a psychiatrist in a clinic near the library.The psychiatrist said that Tony was suffering from depression,and gave him some medicines and advised him to do regular exercise such as running.After taking the drugs,Tony felt relaxed and delighted.Then we decided to do exercise every Friday after school.Finishing the therapy for three weeks,Tony got back to the normal life.He was no longer depressed and therefore stopped to take the medicine.From then to now,Tony has a good mental health.

Having lots of homework and examinations to complete,it is very common for students to have academic stress.In order to let schoolmates have a desirable mental health,I have some advice for every student.

First of all,students should be encouraged to do exercise regularly.It is very important to keep us mentally healthy as doing exercise,especially running,triggers the release of brain chemicals called endocannabinoids that create a potent feeling of pleasure making us relaxed.Therefore,students can reduce their stress by having exercise frequently.

Besides,students who are unhappy and upset should talk more to trustworthy people,for example,parents,friends,teachers,and social workers.It is conducive to prevent students from getting depression as it gives you an opportunity to share your feeling of unpleasure.

Last but not least,for those who have the symptoms of depression should seek help from a psychiatrist as soon as possible.There are some symptoms of depression,such as loss of interest in daily activities,sleep changes,concentration problems,and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. If you have the symptoms above,you may have depression.It is very significant for you to receive a treatment in time,otherwise the situation may become worse and hard to be handled.For instance,people who suffer from severe depression will have thoughts of suicide.Hence,students who have the symptoms should see a psychiatrist and receive a suitable treatment at once.

In conclusion,according to the case of my friend,receiving a medical treatment and doing regular exercise are essential to fight depression.Furthermore,to chat more with trustworthy people is also a good way to keep us mentally healthy.At last,I hope my advice can help students fight depression.

[ 本帖最後由 tf308412 於 2014-10-20 11:14 AM 編輯 ]




Level 5

DSE 2012 English Paper 2

Q9. Learning English through Social Issues

Your school magazine is going to include a special feature on mental health. Recently, one of your friends was suffering from depression. Write an article for the school magazine about your friend’s depression and how he/she overcame it. Give advice to others on how to help fight depression.

In a hectic city such as Hong Kong, the importance of mental health cannot be emphasised enough.  When we have a cold or a fever, we see a doctor and take medicine.  However, when it comes to mental illnesses, we tend to refuse to acknowledge their existence, either because  we are not too aware of their symptoms or because we do not wish to acknowledge their existence.

My best friend's situation is a case in point.  Like me, he is in Form 6, working hard for his Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE).  One day, we went to a study room in Tai Po Public Library to do revision on Mathematics.  When we were doing exercises, I found that he seemed to be a little upset and unhappy.  Then I asked him what was the matter.  He reluctantly told me that he was very depressed because of the stress from his academic studies.  So worried was I that I suggested he see a psychiatrist.

He agreed, so we immediately went to see a psychiatrist in a clinic near the library. The psychiatrist said that Tony was suffering from depression,and gave him some medicine and advised him to do regular exercise such as running.  After taking the medicine, he was in a much better shape, feeling relaxed and at ease with his studies.  We also began doing exercise together every Friday after school.  After three weeks, he resumed his normal life,  was no longer depressed and stopped taking the medicine.

My best friend's success in fighting depression is not unique.  If you also face depression, it is important that you seek help in the first instance.  It could be your friend or your teacher.  Talking is the first step in addressing the problem.  Their support means a lot to you in your fight.

Regular exercise is good for fighting depression.  It triggers the release of brain chemicals called endocannabinoids that create a potent feeling of pleasure, making us relaxed.  Make regular exercise part of your daily routines.

Should you detect any serious symptom of depression, you should not hesitate to seek professional help from a psychiatrist as soon as possible.. Such symptoms include loss of interest in daily activities, sleep changes, concentration problems, and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.  It is critical that you receive timely treatment; otherwise, your condition might deteriorate, making treatment all the more difficult.  For instance, people who suffer from severe depression may have suicidal tendency.

Mental illnesses are no different from physical ones.  They can be avoided through regular exercise.  Should you have such illnesses, the best strategy remains to be to face them courageously and seek treatment as necessary.






thank you very much


Very useful!




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