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[Eng] ENG Writing/自修生/ 比下意見同評下GRADE/ Thanks a lot!

ENG Writing/自修生/ 比下意見同評下GRADE/ Thanks a lot!

Learning English through Social Issues
Today, many parents exert considerable pressure on their children. Even children as small as five are forced into taking different classes every day after school. Write an essay analyzing the causes of this phenomenon and how a tight schedule may impede the personal development of children.

TITLE: Present parents, nurturing by forcing

There is no denying that the parents nurture and raise their children by exerting plenty of extra- lessons and classes. According to a recent study, A child, as young as five years old, was forced to take different lessons after school every day. This essay aims to explain the causes and drawbacks of this parenting skill.

In the first place, the essential objective of education is to get people to learn. However, the dominant culture in education nowadays has come to focus on not teaching and learning, but testing; therefore it emphasizes the importance of standardized examinations too much. It leads to undue obsession with examination results. Consequently, the parents and students are compelled to devote their efforts and money to the tutorial lessons. The tutorial schools, which put emphasis on exam skills, are now much more popular. All of this is to guarantee that their children could perform outstandingly in the public examinations.

Besides the deep-seated culture of education, Hong Kong's education is modelled on an elitism system. In terms of the lack of academic degree, primary education and secondary education are very competitive. As regards parents, the major concern for them is about their children's future so that they inject more strict parenting style to build up their competitiveness. Moreover, Renowned schools place massive importance on comprehensive development; as a result, the parents regard extra-curricular activities as competitiveness such as musical abilities, athletic abilities and even voluntary work; hence today students in general are capable of playing at least one musical instrument or athletics.

What is the main disadvantage of arranging the a tight schedule for children? Obviously, it is their personal development.

Many students spend a lot of time on extra lessons after daily schooling. It is clear and obvious that the strict parenting style significantly imposes the much pressure on their children. Such a parenting style affects the students physically and psychologically. They have to deal with the school work as well as extra work so that, which leads to physical fatigue. Furthermore, some of the them are under pressure to do things that they are not interested in and feel experience anxiety and depression as a result.

What is more worrying is that the parents stifle the possibility of developing their children's talents. People are naturally different and diverse. They all have different intelligence, capacities for creation, interests, etc. Yet, the majority of parents pave the way for their children regardless of their wishes; for instance, they deny their children the chance to study dancing because they consider that it is no use to academic performance. Eventually, they obstruct their talents to flourish so that the talents remain untapped!

I wish to conclude by reiterating that the parents are compelled to force their children to raise their children by exerting plenty of lesson and classes, but they have to strike a balance between academic performance and personal development.


The Chinese University of Hong Kong


回覆 2# sai1991ku 的帖子

Do you have some concrete comments, thanks!



原帖由 feifeifeifei 於 2014-12-1 11:33 PM 發表 Learning English through Social IssuesToday, many parents exert considerable pressure on their children. Even children as small as five are forced into taking different classes every day after schoo ...
Starting from paragraph 4, many errors appeared.
For instance, errors regarding wrong use of vocab, logical fallacy, basic grammar, sentence structures, etc.


Also, the conclusion of paragraph 3 is not related to the cause of the mentioned phenomenon (exertion of pressure from parents to children) and the discussion of negative impacts isn't well elaborated


回覆 6# a42442 的帖子



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