
投票項目 ( 單選 ) 參與人數 3

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7. 7. 5*
8. 8. 5**
9. 9. See result

[Eng] DSE Eng Writing 求狠批+ predict level

DSE Eng Writing 求狠批+ predict level

Addiction to the mobile phone
Cue: most adolescents use the mobile phone to play online games and chat with their previous friends through social media. It is because many people want to enjoy their secondary life and become a gadget to have leisure and entertainment. Growing research suggests that most teenagers think online games are attractive, enticing, and appealing. Adobe, scents lack self-control and they continuously keep playing the online games. Finally, they hooked to play online games. It is no exaggeration to say that games are poison which is the ascending dominance of people to have the alert. having an addiction to the mobile phone is a big obstacle.

Action: Most adolescents utilize a mobile phone to complete the different varies of items , relevant to playing online games and watching the Youtube channel. Juveniles mainly find youtube promotion videos and pictures and graphics with Instagram. At the same time, some people follow other people's Instagram and chat with friends. It is universally acknowledged that games not only are instantly purchased and downloaded but also create seamless and frictionless buying experiences. Therefore , there is no doubt that teenagers utilize comfortable and convenient gadgets for a prolonged time. Finally, having an addiction to the mobile e phone become a social phenomenon.

Rewards: Most youngsters think playing online games can intrinsically reward players. The mobile phone can become mini-milestones. Worse still, people especially youngsters person mainly put tournaments in e-sport the s or pursuing virtual weapons and money with players . their children want to have self-identification , self-affirmation and self-confidence, just to name a few. Finally, having an addiction to the mobile phone remains omnipresent.

[ 本帖最後由 LawAndy 於 2020-8-4 03:22 AM 編輯 ]


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