
[院校討論] HKU BDS 6years

Hi annababy, pls let us know when offers are out. I know you're kind enough to be willing to share!



回覆 16# jch123 的帖子

I have sent you a private message^^


I'm GCE AL student in UK and had my interview with HKU BDS on mid of Apr.
Any Ching get frim Offer or Know when the result will be released?
Please drop me few lines,tks!


Hi annababy,please send me some insider's information,hope we can be classmate in coming Sept.


what is your GCE AL result? Are you a HK resident?


My predicted GCE AL A*A*A*A (Maths,Chem,Bio,Phy) , I'm HK resident


How is your AS result and when would the GCE AL result released this year?


As all straight  A,
AL will released on Aug.
9 A* 2 A in GCSE


Your result is very good. I think your admission chance is 99% and I think the conditional offer would be 2-3A* in GCE AL, good luck. But have you apply for the fast track admission scheme at October last year?


No, I applied in last Dec during my Xmas holidays in HK.
Hay, you haven't respond my question yet, when HKU will released the Offer ?
Are you applying by AL or 2 nd degree? Which degree/U that you are studying?
See if we can be classmate in coming Sept.


HKU would release the offer in this week or before next week.
I am second degree applicant studying in CUHK food and nutritional science.
I think I cannot enter dentistry this year because my result is not very good.


How is your GPA ? You have an advantage of studying Bio-science related subject, should have better chance then me.
BTW how you know the Offer will be released in this week?
Some of my friends got Offer of MBBS in fast track but some are still waiting .


for ur info.

I foned the fac office last week. the "non-jupas" results will be released earlierst at the end of may.

but thanks for letting us know annababy

I won't be on for a long time, so i won't answer any qs but good luck!


Hay JCH123,  I'm in UK now ,tried to call without get through and did sent few email to them without respond , want to know  if the faculty will released 5 & 6 years together?  Are  u same as me  studying in UK sixth form or 2 degree?


If you want to ask any question, you should send email to the Faculty of Dentistry office lady Ms Joyce Chan ([email protected]) directly rather than [email protected], she is the one who are responsible to answer you.
Here is her reply in Mid April, I copy directly from the email:

Dear XXXXX(My name):

Thank you for your enquiry. The Faculty Admissions Committee is reviewing non-JUPAS applications received in the main round admissions exercise, and will soon make decisions on offer of admission.

We are planning to complete the screening and selection of candidates in May. The Faculty Admissions Committee will be reviewing the applications again in late April or early May. You may check your application status online around that time.

Yours sincerely,
Joyce Chan


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