
[地理] landslide


Section 1  Opportunities and risks
In DSE Sample Paper Paper 1, Part B (DBQ) Question 1(b)(i), it talks about landslide.

Nevertheless, I use the textbook published by Oxford.

It does not talk about landslide.

Only talks about 'Submarine Landslide'

Therefore, my question is that,

Is this sub-question out of the syllabus of SECTION 1??

Thank you so much!


i thk the focus of the question should how plate movement causes earthquake..
due to eurasian and philippine plates collide and compressional force, subduction of plate lead to stress increase, stress>strength /flexibility of rock, vertical displacement of rock (reverse fault), energy release in form of seismic wave, earthquake occur, the violent shaking causes landslide occur..

this should be core part,, cause it doesnt ask u to explain in great detail abt the stress and strength (which is dynamic earth in elective)


Model Answer:

- subduction of oceanic plates creates stresses
- energy builds up within the rock
- the stress within the rock is greater than the strength of it
- sudden fracture of rock
- release of energy shakes the grounds
- landslide occur



landslide now is in elective 1
dynamic earth


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