
投票項目 ( 單選 ) 參與人數 8

1. Others,please note
2. Berkeley college
3. Foothill
4. Grendale
5. Diablo Valley
6. Skyline
7. De Anza
8. Green River

[院校討論] Best CC to transfer to UCLA/UCB?

Best CC to transfer to UCLA/UCB?

I know which CC particularly doesn't matters.But when the whole learning atmosphere is based off going to a specific University,then that might be worth something to note or even follow.
Ie Diablo Valley students are more into getting in UCB while CCSF students are more into getting in State Universities
So....I need some advice regarding this choice,as I gotta apply before September (for a guaranteed pass to Spring semester)

[ 本帖最後由 godofeng 於 2013-7-20 03:58 PM 編輯 ]
Challenges to the extreme are always entertaining,at least it keeps me going.



回覆 3# 7s711 的帖子

If I wanna get in a Law school after I finish under grad and take up the courses of JD
Do I have to apply for any specific courses that is relevant to my final destination(JD) in my 2 years of CC and 2 years of University?
If not then I'm rather interested in English and Philosophy degrees

[ 本帖最後由 godofeng 於 2013-7-20 04:41 PM 編輯 ]
Challenges to the extreme are always entertaining,at least it keeps me going.


回覆 2# kiyiptsang 的帖子

Yeah...tho some statistics showed that the majority of students in different community colleges tend to aim for a specific University...a friend who applied for CCSF this fall told me to get in Skyline for a bigger chance to the UC system...
But from what I've read.De Anza and DVC seems to have much higher rates in getting into Berkeley,UC
Challenges to the extreme are always entertaining,at least it keeps me going.


回覆 6# 7s711 的帖子

Thank you for your time tho.I'm really confused about how systems work in the States,trying to research around atm
Though I know that to get in Berkeley,I have to get straight A s' in my two years of community college
Challenges to the extreme are always entertaining,at least it keeps me going.


回覆 8# 7s711 的帖子

Sorry went down to buy something,thanks for the additional info.
Really appreciate the help,um may I ask what degree are you undertaking in Cal?
Challenges to the extreme are always entertaining,at least it keeps me going.


Do you plan on migrating to the States after finishing your degree or go back to Hong Kong?
Cause I'm thinking of trying to get residence in the States....

[ 本帖最後由 godofeng 於 2013-7-21 01:10 AM 編輯 ]
Challenges to the extreme are always entertaining,at least it keeps me going.


其實我有UK residence既 中一先回流香港 但自己prefer美國 一直都想去US 發展
Ya 人生要計劃好
Challenges to the extreme are always entertaining,at least it keeps me going.


回覆 16# 斯先生 的帖子

Hopefully start a worldwide business(The markets aren't so hard to predict at all)
I'll start by getting into the economic industry and from that into the politic world
Challenges to the extreme are always entertaining,at least it keeps me going.


回覆 18# 斯先生 的帖子

其實我比較貪心 因爲讀economics係爲左美國發展事業 law school係岩自己性格 Philo同English岩興趣
Challenges to the extreme are always entertaining,at least it keeps me going.


回覆 20# 斯先生 的帖子

Challenges to the extreme are always entertaining,at least it keeps me going.


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