
[學科討論] solutions to university books

solutions to university books

hi guys, i  am form 6 graduate, and is expecting the u life, but have some stupid questions to ask.
Just like i wonder if there is any Official FULL solution to university reference bks, like thomas calculus.
i found the full solution of thomas calculus but am not sure about others reference bks. will the FUll solution of these reference bks be available online or even on the  university library?
i know that most u students dont rely on full solution for study, is it true?this is the first thing that troubles me

my another question is abt learning efficiency in u
assume that i spend 10 days to finish m2 syllabus of dse(just an assumption), how much time is expected for a u student?
for those who are more familiar with the a-level syllabus, how much time is expected for a u std to finish bks like breakthough pure math calculus / algebra?
what i am trying to say is normally how much time should be spent on a course or a topic for a u std?

i know that these are stupid questions and i should be more independent and find out the ans on my own, but would anyone professionals be kind enough to offer any advice ?
i just am worried abt the burden i am to bear in u life..

thx a lot!


your questions are not "stupid"

for the "solution" , that's related to your "search ability" on the following area :
1.open course : some open courses also provide "solution"

2.homepage of some teaching staff : some open recourses
for example ( i just select one prof website randomly), some webpage such as :  

3.buy the solution (first hand/second hand)
e.g. Amazon / from other people

4.legal/illegal E-resources
Legal : university library
Illegal : I give you a "outdated" keyword : "library nu"
         i can't talk too much

for the study pace
A semester : around 10 - 14 Weeks (Normal range )
Each week : ~ 4-6 teaching (lecture/tutorial) hours
世界很大 沒你想像中那麼簡單

現在開始本人極少上LS Forum


原帖由 Automaton 於 2013-8-5 03:04 PM 發表
your questions are not "stupid"

for the "solution" , that's related to your "search ability" on the following area :
1.open course : some open courses also provide "solution"

2.homepage of  ...
thx a lot automaton
btw , i am not sure what is meant by "4-6 teaching (lecture/tutorial) hours"
does it mean that a u std hav to spend 4-6 hours each week on attending lecture/ tutorial classses?
and more questions abt study pace....
i hv heard some one saying that for a u std, he has to use only ?? hours/weeks to k.o. a a-level course, like hv to use xx hrs /weeks to k.o. a -level physics
do u hv any idea how much time they are talking abt?

btw really thank you for ur help, it seems that u are a very indepedent and matured u std.
i possible would u please share anything abt u here, i mean anything that u want to remind us :) i think many dse stds will be interested in ur sharing, like i myself  ..
thanks automaton

[ 本帖最後由 00leo00leo00 於 2013-8-6 11:44 AM 編輯 ]


原帖由 00leo00leo00 於 2013-8-6 11:39 AM 發表
thx a lot automaton
i possible would u please share anything abt u here, i mean anything that u want to remind us i think many dse stds will be interested in ur sharing, like i myself  ..
thanks automaton

check up on my posts
well, all written in high-tempered tone


世界很大 沒你想像中那麼簡單

現在開始本人極少上LS Forum


原帖由 Automaton 於 2013-8-6 01:20 PM 發表

check up on my posts
well, all written in high-tempered tone


thanks a lot automaton, surely it helps!


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thanks a lot職業花生友 版主


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