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[Eng] DSE english writing practice paper 求狠評+估level (2)

DSE english writing practice paper 求狠評+估level (2)

自己係band3 中中學生 自知英文比其他人差 但唔知自己係咩水平 拜託各位 唔該比D COMMENTS 係E 個BLOG到 THX

Question: A recent survey has indicatedthat the number of junior secondary students who smoke has been soaring overthe past few years. Write an article entitled ‘Teenage Smoking’ for your schoolmagazine explaining why more and more teenagers smoke nowadays and suggestingways to reduce teenage smoking.

Teenage Smoking

  As you may be aware, computer games aregaining popularity. But in recent years, smoking is becoming just as popular, especiallyfor the junior secondary students. Thus, in this article I would like todiscuss this issue in detail, for which has an escalating trend of the teenage smokingnowadays and to provide some useful suggestions that how to reduce theirsmoking.

From the beginning with, the bacco company isone of the main roles for the increasing number of teenagers smoking. Eventhough government has limited to bacco company from advertising their producton TV and newspaper. However, teenagers are still have a chance received theinformation of the bacco. For example, many bacco companies have sponsored thesports events, in which they always display their product or brand names in thecorner of the football field that teenagers are found by watching, so as topromote their product to teenagers indirectly.

Apart from the product promotion, the lack ofthe parental concern is also a main case of the teenage smoking. In Hong Kongthis fast pace city, most of the parents have a long working hours in everyweekday. It is common that they have no time to spend with their children.Therefore, the teenagers may be resorting to smoking as an entertainment forfun. Admittedly, no parent wants their children to do so. Therefore, theirchildren may want to through this way to gain attention from their parent.

Smoking not only damage our body or increasethe chance of getting cancer or other illness, but it is also a selfishbehavior that the smoke will be spread in the air and around this inside personmay become a second smoker. It is high time for the government and schools takeaction settling the problem. It has long been a few suggestions for them tohamper this issue.

There are many things calling out to be done.As a first step, the government should reinforce of the publicizing for why wehave to take away with the smoking, such as show the disadvantages aftersmoking like getting cancer easily on the TV channel in order to remindteenagers what is the potential danger with after smoking few years. We mustcarry out the image in their mind that smoking has a lot of negative effectswith yourself.

Secondly, for the schools with, they can makemore class activities and talks for the teenagers. AT least they can gain moreknowledge in this aspect that how to reject other people by inviting them totry it and to encourage them that it is time for them to stop this badbehavior.

As you can see teenagers are the future ofthe society. We have a responsibility to stop it and leading them to a healthylife. It is no choice that only if above all actions are done can reduceteenage smoking.



Part A or B?
different parts have different marking criteria as well as word limitation.


Level 2


terrible lang.


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