
[Bio] HKDSEE 2018 Debriefing

Q 9 should be D as DNA in each individual also distinct
Q16 should be C as fruit contain seed with diff genotype with potato tuber which is identical to parent
Q18 is C as starch in mouth is converted to maltose not glucose
Q24 i guess is B as no O2 absorbed and hence no active transport to absorb minerals A is wrong as leaves cannot produce O2 for other part to use
Q29 is D as biomass means dry mass and plants absorb CO2 for photo to make food
Q30 is B obviously
Q31 is B obviously
Q34 is A as muscle of the aorta cannot contract or relax only the muscular wall at the arteriole opening can contract to regulate the blood flow
Q35 should be right ventricle you can just search online for the labelled diagram

[ 本帖最後由 jkkl 於 2018-4-6 07:41 PM 編輯 ]



回覆 4# biomedical 的帖子

Q9 is mentioned on textbook I guess it is more reliable for eaa to support its ans but in fact it is also uncertain
Q35 Ys D I just reply for the previous challenge haha
Thx for your appreciation but LQ and PP2 matter most :'(

[ 本帖最後由 jkkl 於 2018-4-6 07:42 PM 編輯 ]


回覆 5# jkkl 的帖子

Q25 should be D ys I guess wrongly it is deducing option D is more related to time


Ys ar Q31 should be B my typo sor


回覆 12# biomedical 的帖子



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