
[DSE] 私補 chemistry biology (中英文都可額外指導)

私補 chemistry biology (中英文都可額外指導)

Hello, I am currently a uni student who majors in health technology subject in HK.
Graduated from a local band 1 girl school, I attained 5** in chemistry and 5* in biology (also 5** in Chinese writing and listening, 5** in English speaking).

I have privately tutored students here on LS forum before, receiving great feedback from students and parents alike. I have tutored students who later went into med school; I also have tutored school-leavers 自修生. I have a very diverse experience. I am glad when students improve and when I receive compliments from them and parents.

Please leave a private message if you are interested

[ 本帖最後由 catherinelee97 於 2020-8-24 12:01 AM 編輯 ]


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