
投票項目 ( 單選 ) 參與人數 6

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題目: Studying abroad is better than studying in Hong Kong, do you agree?

    There is a trend that parents like to send their children abroad to study, most of whom agree that studying abroad is better than studying in Hong Kong. However, others’ interpretation of the statement may differ from mine, the core of which lies in the definition of one single word ‘better’. It is of no doubt that studying abroad can widen our horizon, our sight will be widen after visiting the foreign architecture. In addition, we can learn to be independent by taking care of ourselves since we need to be away from our parents. Yet, there are also benefits of studying in local.

For family relationship, students can spend more time with their parents if they are studying in a local college, which means they can maintain a close relationship with the family members. Students may face a number of problems during puberty, such as stressful school work and peer pressure. Parents can give advice to their children and solve the problem together. Family relation depends on communication, it is hard to spend much time with parents if students are studying abroad.

Surely, students will easily go astray without the guidance of parents. In some extreme situation, students may hang around with bad company and soon lose their interest in study. By studying locally, the tragedy will have less chance to be happen under the guidance of parents.

Economically, studying abroad really cost a fortune. Extra expenses like rent, electricity need to be pay if students are studying abroad and not all family could afford the high cost. The financial burden of parents will be lighter if their children are studying in Hong Kong.

Educationally, the education system in Hong Kong is well develop. The teachers would not be inferior when comparing to the foreign one. Besides, it would be easier for children to learn through their mother language. With the use of mother language, students may have a higher learning incentive if they are study in Hong Kong.

Having considered various factors from different aspects, I disagree with the statement. Instead, I will insist studying abroad and locally be of the same value. Nowhere is the better choice.




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