
hku biology vs ecology and biodiversity

hku biology vs ecology and biodiversity

我想問下hku biology 會唔會有ecology讀?? 定還是只係ecology and biodiversity 有ecology讀? 同埋hku biology 主要讀d 咩? 讀藥個d, molecular定animal 個d?? 我睇完個website 都唔明.... 佢剩係寫左d selected courses.... 有冇人讀過分享下


i'm PhD student not from HKU but can tell a bit from HKU website description.

the Biology program:
Advantage: more rounded for undergraduate biology knowledge, broader career choices, you can still take some specialized ecology courses (if there is no class schedule clash), safer for personal development as there's room of exploration especially to avoid picking a wrong subject without prior experience
Disadvantage: not specialized, less competitive for conservation-related job application

the Ecology & Biodiversity program:
Advantage: my understanding is HKU has the best ecology undergraduate program, very comprehensive exposure to ecology discipline, the opposite of Biology program's disadvantage
Disadvantage: the study scope is very narrow - you should make sure you really love ecology. highly recommend you to consult their faculty/student/graduate


oh, stupid me, just realized it was an outdated post....wish you every luck....


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