


實際d 即係分數
例如 :
50/100(3)? , 40/100(3)?
30< (2)??  50<(3)??


thx ~~~




You can refer to the HKDSE Standards-referenced Reporting Information Packages of individual subjects published by HKEAA for more information about the level descriptor definitions and theexamples how to relate performance and the levels attained with respect to the sample papers.

http://lsforum.net/board/thread-175191-11-1.html  (101#)

水平參照旨在以考生達到水平確定等級分配, 這更能真實地. 有效地反映考生學術水平和能力, 學術水平不符合要求就不予考慮, 不像常模參照相對排名確定等級分配, 相對位次那有何用?   比方說, 我們需要有人可以每分鐘輸入不少於50個中文字 (類似水平參照等級), 倘若他/她說他/她的打字速度是前30% (類似常模參照等級), 那知道他/她輸入得有多快, 那有何用?

它們相同之處都是將分數轉換成等級 (just a mapping of scores to grades/levels), 不同的如何定出換算表 (construct such a map/function).  當然, 從它們得來的換算表很可能極不相同, 因為它們本質概念上完全不同的, 教育理念更大不相同 .....

http://lsforum.net/board/thread-175191-6-1.html  (53#)

Grade/level assignment is based on the performance of the candidates, so as to meet the objectives of an examination.

Besides, the whole concept of standards-referenced assessment does not restrict the portion of candidates to receive a certain level (unlike norm-referenced assessment).  If candidates DESERVE to receive LEVEL 5, they would receive so.  Or, if all only deserve LEVEL 4, they then receive LEVEL 4.  In other words, the future HKDSE candidates will receive grades based on what levels they can meet, NOT on the relative ranking.
原帖由 ☆S!u﹏楚 於 2011-10-10 10:15 PM 發表
實際d 即係分數
例如 :
50/100(3)? , 40/100(3)?
30< (2)??  50


回覆 3# kcleung 的帖子

點解師兄你會成日答埋呢d問題...= =


回覆 4# 三少 的帖子



Not really.  You can search and check.  However, I incline to participate those enquiries that have affirmative answers or are related to the education/learning issues. I am NOT interested to entertain those merely looking for solutions of the homework or past paper questions, as this defeats the educational goals since simply giving out a solution only help him/her to finish an assignment but he/she may not learn anything from so!!
原帖由 三少 於 2011-10-11 07:06 PM 發表
點解師兄你會成日答埋呢d問題...= =
[ 本帖最後由 kcleung 於 2011-10-11 10:05 PM 編輯 ]



回覆 6# kcleung 的帖子

I'm not challenging you, I just wonder how you can know whether one is just merely looking for solutions of the homework or past paper questions?


No.  I do not mind anyone to ask me questions of this sort.  This indeed helps understand each other better  

Those who merely post a set of questions and then look for (detailed) solutions.  They sometimes cannot even state WHAT they do not understand and want to ask SPECIFICALLY what to be helped (beyond the solutions to the problems).  There are MANY examples posted in various boards here.  You can find and see!!!  

Indeed, as part of the learning process, the best way for a student to learn from doing exercises is shown as follows:

1)  If one does not have glues how to do so, he/she SHOULD first read the textbook and notes BEFORE attempting a exercise/homework problem.  If he/she still fails to find ways to do OR even understand what it is, consult his/her subject teacher.

2)  If he/she tries 1) and he/she does not know SPECIFICALLY what to do, post his/her queries as well as the problem (question) TOGETHER with his/her attempted answer.  State specifically what he/she is NOT sure and/or enquire on how to bridge various parts of the answer.  He/she should also consult his/her subject teacher.

3)  If he/she finds out that his/her answer does not match with those in the solution AND he/she cannot think of a reason, ASK specifically what he/she does not understand, together with his/her arguments.  He/she should also consult his/her subject teacher.

By the way, the BEST opinion for one to consult is his/her subject teacher.  Interestingly, it seems that many members here do not like to consult their subject teachers for help.  I would be rather interesting to know WHY .....  A subject teacher should be the one that students should trust and rely on as well as offering mentorship to the kids .....

Besides information sharing, should we make the best  use of the forum for:

1)  Discussing the experience on how to learn certain concepts more effectively
      -  Some of us have already done so  

2)   Synthesizing knowledge learnt and discuss some possibly open-ended, inter-disciplinary issues
       -  e.g.  HKDSE Liberal Studies is supposed to help students develop their critical thinking skills, but it is not well-received by some students and teachers.  Someone argues that this introduces negative externalities.  Find out what they are and discuss any remedies so that the students taking the subject can still be most benefited.  Are there any positive externalities?  Would they do benefit or harm to our education system in the long run?
原帖由 dilloncyh 於 2011-10-12 05:11 PM 發表
I'm not challenging you, I just wonder how you can know whether one is just merely looking for solutions of the homework or past paper questions?
[ 本帖最後由 kcleung 於 2011-10-12 11:00 PM 編輯 ]


回覆 9# kcleung 的帖子

you are the expert in this type of questions !!  Thank you for your detail explanations


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