
[Econ] GDP calcuation

GDP calcuation

Please help The teacher hasn't taught and ask me to do....

THX for help!

[ 本帖最後由 eclass007 於 2011-9-17 12:03 PM 編輯 ]
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  please help =.= i need hand in this homework in Monday, THX!


a) expenditure approach

b) GDP = C + I + G + NX of goods + NX of services
100% = 59.0% + (A% + 1.1%) + 9.1% + (-4.9%) + (23.9% – 14.6%) = 73.6% + A%
A = 100 – 73.6 = 26.4

c) GNP = GDP + Net external factor income flows = $1,318 billion + 0.7% × $1,318 billion = $1,327.2 billion

d) The contribution of re-exports of goods to GDP is measured by the value-added, which is equal to the value of output minus the value of intermediate consumption. Although the value of output of re-exports was larger than GDP in 2000, provided that the value of intermediate consumption of re-exports was large enough, the value-added of re-exports (a component of GDP) was still smaller than GDP.

e) Imports are not produced by r.p.u. of the territory, but their values have been included in the final expenditures. Therefore, imports have to be deducted from the final expenditures to find GDP.



[ 本帖最後由 eclass007 於 2011-9-17 12:27 PM 編輯 ]


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