
[選科諮詢] jupas排位求意見,感激不盡

I think the chance is high for nursing and 視光 ~ ur result is quite close to that of the median indeed ( in the jupas website u can check it out)

5** = 6, 5* = 5, 5 = 4, 4 = 3, 3 = 2, 2 = 1 and 1/Others = 0 (4 core + best elective)
Your marks=4+3+5+3+5=20
For 視光 , it's 18.6 only
For nursing, it's 16.9 only
But 物理治療 is 21.6...

I think u may consider Science,Mental Health Nursing as well~
Social work is also a 水泡科... but seems u are a science student, so...


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