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[Eng] [dse] english writing 求評

[dse] english writing 求評

睇目係講家庭暴力 形容嚴重性,原因及提出可行建議
THX 大家的意見!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  When you exert insurmountable pressure or feel sorrowful, what would you do? Doing exercise or listening to music? Unfortunately, there are a number of people who release their anger by using violence in Hong Kong. These cases are easily to find in families. Domestic violence could harm the family member regardless in physical and psychological side. Hence, I would like to describe the seriousness of the problem, analyze the reasons of it and recommend several suggestions which would improve the situation

The seriousness of domestic violence comes under the spot light of society. It is not hard to discover such cases on TV news, magazine and newspaper.Mostly, the former will abuse the victims physically by hitting, slapping, punching,choking, pushing, burning and other types of contact that result in physical injury to them. Emotional abuse, also, is another example to show the indecent of the problem. The abusers humiliate the victims by controlling what the victim can and cannot do, withholding information from the victim, deliberately doing something to make the victims feel diminished or embarrassed, isolating the victim from friend sand family.It brings psychological diseases to the victims such as depression. Even worse they will suicide if the problem keep continuing.

  The main reason contributing to the issue of domestic violence is that the family members are not able to manage their emotions. Living in Hong Kong brings us a lot of pressure regardless of working or studying. They lack awareness to ask someone to share their burdens. Day by day, the members develop a negative thinking. They become anxious and depressed all the time. When the stress could not be reduced by talking to the others, they start to express anger by using violence. Subsequently, the abusers feel better for a while and get used to alleviate their stress by hurting their family member. The victims do not seek help from police. Since they are unwilling to see that their beloved are arrested. Even they wish to do so, the abusers will threaten them to not contact with others. Otherwise the latter will hit the members. It leads to the problem becoming aggravates and thorny.

  Arousing public’s awareness is of paramount importance when it comes to reducing the numbers of domestic violence. Alleviating the problem without enhancing citizen’understandings, is only an absurd fancy. Advertising during commercial breaks at weekend regarding the love and care between families by the government should be the way to go in an attempt to improve the attention of Hong Kong dwellers. Why don’t the government sets up a hotline which allows the residents to share their burdens? Holding a talk in big shopping mall, sending emails to the public as well as distributing leaflets in community are the illustrations of what we can do too. Never can we find a better way to preventing domestic violence than improving the habitants’ awareness of the matter.

Spotting out the violence cases in time and taking the initiative to provide assistance to the family, in addition to enhancing the understanding of the whole society, is another way to alleviate the problem of domestic violence. Regrettably, it is a bitter truth that abusing problems in family are difficult to discover. Victims are unwilling to discuss their misfortune to the others in which hardly could we give a hand to them escaping from the nightmare. To overcome the problem, visiting the families which may have potential family problem regularly by volunteers from non-government organization is also an effective way to spot out the violence cases. Once we find out those incidents, we are able to invite psychologists or social worker to handle the problem and counseling the victims as well as the abusers. School,similarly, could request that teachers look in on student’s home so as to see whether the relationship between parents and children are good or not and detect the problem in advance. If we do not do so, rarely could we stop this heart-rending issue and the abusers would keep hurting their beloved. It is what we have to do so as to stopping the undesirable phenomenon.

No one wish to be abused by beloved one so all of us have to do something to ameliorate the circumstance. I hope the above suggestions are capable to discover more violence cases which allow us to interfere in it and reduce the number of these misfortunes.

[ 本帖最後由 timsonkwok 於 2013-11-16 01:48 PM 編輯 ]


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