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[Eng] DSE ENGLISH WRITING 求評 +俾level!!!!!!

DSE ENGLISH WRITING 求評 +俾level!!!!!!

TOPIC: You are Chris Wong, a member of the school Debating Club. A few days ago, you went to a debate competition where the debate motion was" Tests and exams are a barrier to learning".You were impressed by argument presented by both sides. Write an essay discussing the pros and cons of having test and exams in education.

These days many students in Hong Kong claims hat they are having too many tests and exams because of the exam-oriented education system. Some education experts asserted that exams and tests are essential to access student’s performance and learning progress. However, some people claim that exams put too much pressure on students which will affect their emotion. In the following, I would discuss the pros and cons of having exams and test in education.
Exams and test exist for reasons. They help teachers to know the learning ability of different students and compare them with their results. Teachers can give hand to students who are lag behind of others. Besides, students can realize their weaknesses and overcome the obstacles in learning and attempt to do better next time.
Also, exams can motivate students to learn and revise what they have learn. Because every student want to pass their exams with flying colors.  Therefore, students are motivated to learn and gain more knowledge.
Moreover, with test and exams, teachers and students have a clear direction of teaching and learning. Syllabus is set for students to know what they will learn after going to the lessons.
However, there are also some disadvantages of having exams and test in education.
Too many tests and exams would give much pressure on students. Some experts found that pressure and number of exams are correlated,the more exams, students are more stressful. If some students cannot handle these stress, some emotional problems may result, in the worst case, some may commit suicide.
On the other hand, exams will lead labeling effects occur. Undoubtedly, some students are weaker in academics field, they always get bad results in exams. This does not only affect the self-esteem and confidence of the students but teachers and their classmates may also label them as lazy and bad. As a result, students with poor results may face boycott from their classmates.
In conclusion, from certain extents, exams and test are barriers in learning, it gives too much pressure on students and emotional problems and students may lose their self esteem. But it also helps to motivate students to learn and help them to realize the own weaknesses in learning.






help me plz




em46 Chingggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!


3?4?5? comments plz




maybe just vote plz


'claim' not "claims"
"have" instead of "are having"


sorry, but your writing has so many mistakes that i can't help u find all of these


thank you   any other comments and can u give me a grade ?


These days many students in Hong Kong claims hat they are having too many tests and exams because of the exam-oriented education system. Some education experts asserted that exams and tests are essential to access student’s performance and learning progress. However, some people claim that exams put too much pressure on students which will affect their emotion. In the following, I would discuss the pros and cons of having exams and test in education.

For years, many students in Hong Kong are known for suffering from intensive works under the traditional educational model. Whilst education experts asserted that examinations and tests are essential in facilitating students' all-round development, however, it is obviously a mixed blessing.


回覆 13# sslmc2468 的帖子

how can i improve my writing (eg writing style/ vocab)
and what grade would u give to me for this writing


原帖由 kelvinyhy 於 2014-2-25 10:45 PM 發表

how can i improve my writing (eg writing style/ vocab)
and what grade would u give to me for this writing
其實我係retaker 上年overall 2 我唔肯定自己岩唔岩=.=

Exams and test exist for reasons. They help teachers to know the learning ability of different students and compare them with their results. Teachers can give hand to students who are lag behind of others. Besides, students can realize their weaknesses and overcome the obstacles in learning and attempt to do better next time. Also, exams can motivate students to learn and revise what they have learn. Because every student want to pass their exams with flying colors.  Therefore, students are motivated to learn and gain more knowledge.

The existence of examinations and tests is to help teachers focus on the capability of different students with regard to their examination results. They can insert real materials and activities into the lesson which are dedicated to help those students who are lagging behind others in the use of languages. Thus, students can realize the values of study so they can better themselves. What is more, it can encourage students to acquire more knowledge as they are long for passing their examination to seek for a job with good promotion.

[ 本帖最後由 sslmc2468 於 2014-2-25 11:22 PM 編輯 ]


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