
[地理] 地理科發問區

分別1: 內營力
斷塊山: 張力 OR 擠壓力
褶曲山: 擠壓力

斷塊山: 斷層作用
褶曲山: 摺曲作用

褶曲山: 岩層褶曲及變形

(新)褶曲山: 地勢較高及較崎嶇
(舊)褶曲山: 較低及較平坦的地型

分別5: 火山/火山作用
斷塊山: 冇
(新)褶曲山: 有

分別6 或 相同1: 位處位置
(舊)褶曲山: 較穩定地帶

[ 本帖最後由 draw 於 2014-4-17 07:39 PM 編輯 ]


原帖由 yipkahang 於 2014-4-17 08:15 PM 發表
我想問drainage network既題目會唔會出係LQ?
EG. explain the rapid increase of the first order channel after rainstorm?
仲有, how did the rainstorm alter the drainage network on the slope?
根據過往既經驗, 我個人覺得機會較小,係LQ入面應該只屬於其中1個PT;係SQ同MAP RD果度就會大D機會出, 連同要你計數。


原帖由 yipkahang 於 2014-4-17 09:40 PM 發表

因為我睇返哥哥AL既NOTES有呢d咁既野..... 我驚佢會出hydrograph呀~我想問你有冇讀weather? 因為前1 ,2年都出得幾易 我覺得佢今年應該會加深個難度 但我做ce既pp個d都比較易  所以我想問下可以有d咩難小小既題形/問 ...
CLIMATE我都有研究......題目我就出唔到比你....不過如果你有問題既,都可以問。建議如果CE操完,可以操下AL既題目,D 1,2年既DSE其實都有翻炒AL既野。


「btw 我今年主攻river, industry , plate tectonic同famine  paper2就dynamic 同weather」



原帖由 yipkahang 於 2014-4-17 10:32 PM 發表

我想問下urbanization同hydrograph既關係 ----咁會有1)higher flood peak/ peak discharge  2)short time lag(係咪姐係解rainfall peak去peak discharge既時間短左?) 3)falling limb fall rapidly(呢個唔係好明點解 ...
Q: urbanization同hydrograph既關係?
E1: 洪峰流量增加(PEAK FLOW INCREASE): 較多不透水三合土-> 水不能下滲 -> 地表徑流增加 -> 洪峰流量增加
E2: 滯後時間減少(shorter time lag): 排水溝/排水道-> 迅速把水引至附近河流 + 河道改直 -> 阻力減少 -> 河水迅速流走 => 洪峰流量較早來臨
E3: 漲水冀和退水冀變陡峭(Steeper rising limb and falling limb ):  徑流迅速增加 -> 滯後時間減少
E4:基本徑流減少(BASE FLOW DECREASE): 下滲減少 / 地表徑流增加


8902: General atmospheric circulation and surface wind systems are important means of moisture transfer.
9002: describe the main forms of precipitation and explain the main process at work in their formation.
9201: with the aid of diagram, describe the process of the atmospheric energy budget.
9501: describe and explain how the latitudinal energy budget influences the general circulation of the atmosphere. discuss those elements of the general circulation which may not be adequately covered by the traditional circulation models.
9603: describe the atmospheric cooling processes leading to condensation. explain why such process alone may not result in precipitation.
9701: describe the conditions and processes producing the monsoon system. with examples in a monsoon regions, explain the seasonal climatic variation with air masses. comment on the associated potential natural hazards faced by the people in this region.
9803: describe and explain the spatial patterns of climatic regions with extreme atmospheric energy supplies. illustrating your answer with examples, discuss how atmospheric energy flow may be modified by human activities.
0002: from what evidence do we know that the Earth's climate is ever changing? with reference to examples, explain how human activities are responsible for climatic changes at local, regional and global scale and evaluate the relative importance of these activities to the natural forces.
0102:describe the spatial extent of the monsoons over the Asian continent and explain how they are formed. discuss the impacts of monsoons on the weather and farming activities in South China.
0201: describe how air masses affect the climate in monsoon Asia. in terms of atmospheric circulation, explain the different climatic characteristics of the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone and the Polar Front in the western Pacific region.  
0302: with reference to the earth's radiation budget, explain how the earth's surface, atmospheric gases and clouds influence surface air temperature. discuss how the spatial variation of economic activities has affected the earth's radiation budget through changing the composition of the atmosphere.
0401: describe the formation of air masses. with reference to specific examples, discuss the relationship between air masses and monsoons. using south china as an example, explain the changes in weather conditions in four seasons associated with different air masses and monsoons.
0601: the lower changjiang region and the sahara are at the the same latitudinal belt. how and why do their temperature and rainfall patterns vary?
0802: contrast maritime and continental climates. discuss how ocean currents influence the distribution pattern of precipitation in the tropics. to what extend are oceans a crucial factor in the formation and development of tropical storms?
0902:why do planetary pressure belts shift seasonally? explain how the shifting of planetary pressure and wind belts leads to the seasonal rainfall differences in some regions. how far is the planetary wind system a significant factor in explaining the annual rainfall pattern in HK?
1001: describe and explain how the earth revolution and nature of land surface affect the radiation budget along different latitudes. besides the radiation budget, suggest other factors that affect the mean annual temperature of the tropics. discuss how industrial development and related human activities change the energy balance to intensify global warming.
1101: describe and explain the distinctive characteristics of the polar continental air mass that develops over the northern interior of Asia in winter. how does the southward movement of the air mass modify the temperatures and lead to the formation of precipitation in the winter of South China? discuss how the changing weather condition associated with the movement of the polar continental air mass may affect the economy of places along its path.
1201:describe the characteristics of trade winds and explain their formation. how does the seasonal shifting of the overhead sun affect the patterns of trade winds? to what extent do trade win control the variations of rainfall in the equatorial region over the year?


原帖由 yipkahang 於 2014-4-17 11:52 PM 發表

唔該哂師兄 解釋十分詳盡!!!!!THX
不過有一點仲有小小混亂 因為runoff多左啦 所以rising lamb become steeper  但點解falling lamb都會下降得快d既?
同埋有一題佢係問 river return less rapidly to the normal  ...
Q1. 點解falling lamb都會下降得快d既? 佢來得快也走得快。
Q2. river return less rapidly to the normal ......? 有中文版句子會較好, 因為我唔太肯定條問題.....


原帖由 yipkahang 於 2014-4-18 12:35 AM 發表

佢意思大約係話 after the storm , 點解用較長既時間回復返去本來既DISCHARGE
large catchment area: 較長既距離和時間先可以流走因暴雨而增加既份量
still be fed by baseflow: 係流走因暴雨而增加既份量時, 基本徑流都度補充緊(進入河道) --> 水量上升-->需要較長既時間


原帖由 yipkahang 於 2014-4-18 01:19 AM 發表
我唔該你就真 大致上都明白哂喇hydrograph呢part 唔該哂!!!!
如果我有唔明既地方 希望師兄可以抽空教教我指點下我 thx!!!


或者 你親依家睇下有咩pt唔知點發大既 拎埋出黎研究下
不過係考試時 諗到但唔知點發大 都照寫駁下



8902: General atmospheric circulation and surface wind systems are important means of moisture transfer.
8902: 大氣循環和地面風是水分輸送的重要途徑。

9002: describe the main forms of precipitation and explain the main process at work in their formation.
9002: 描述降水作用的主要形態和解釋它們形成的主要過程。

9201: with the aid of diagram, describe the process of the atmospheric energy budget.

9501: describe and explain how the latitudinal energy budget influences the general circulation of the atmosphere. discuss those elements of the general circulation which may not be adequately covered by the traditional circulation models.

9603: describe the atmospheric cooling processes leading to condensation. explain why such process alone may not result in precipitation.
9603: 描述導致在大氣中出現凝結現象的冷卻作用。解釋為甚麼該等作用本身不能單獨產生降水。

9701: describe the conditions and processes producing the monsoon system. with examples in a monsoon regions, explain the seasonal climatic variation with air masses. comment on the associated potential natural hazards faced by the people in this region.

9803: describe and explain the spatial patterns of climatic regions with extreme atmospheric energy supplies. illustrating your answer with examples, discuss how atmospheric energy flow may be modified by human activities.

0002: from what evidence do we know that the Earth's climate is ever changing? with reference to examples, explain how human activities are responsible for climatic changes at local, regional and global scale and evaluate the relative importance of these activities to the natural forces.

0102:describe the spatial extent of the monsoons over the Asian continent and explain how they are formed. discuss the impacts of monsoons on the weather and farming activities in South China.
0102: 描述季風於亞洲大陸上的空間分佈及解釋它們形成的原因。討論季風對南中國天氣及農業的影響。

0201: describe how air masses affect the climate in monsoon Asia. in terms of atmospheric circulation, explain the different climatic characteristics of the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone and the Polar Front in the western Pacific region.  

0302: with reference to the earth's radiation budget, explain how the earth's surface, atmospheric gases and clouds influence surface air temperature. discuss how the spatial variation of economic activities has affected the earth's radiation budget through changing the composition of the atmosphere.

0401: describe the formation of air masses. with reference to specific examples, discuss the relationship between air masses and monsoons. using south china as an example, explain the changes in weather conditions in four seasons associated with different air masses and monsoons.

0601: the lower changjiang region and the sahara are at the the same latitudinal belt. how and why do their temperature and rainfall patterns vary?
0601: 描述及解釋風如何在熱帶地區輸送熱能和水汽。長江下游地區和撒哈拉均位於相同的緯度帶,它們的溫度和降雨形式有甚麼不同?為甚麼?

0802: contrast maritime and continental climates. discuss how ocean currents influence the distribution pattern of precipitation in the tropics. to what extend are oceans a crucial factor in the formation and development of tropical storms?

0902:why do planetary pressure belts shift seasonally? explain how the shifting of planetary pressure and wind belts leads to the seasonal rainfall differences in some regions. how far is the planetary wind system a significant factor in explaining the annual rainfall pattern in HK?

1001: describe and explain how the earth revolution and nature of land surface affect the radiation budget along different latitudes. besides the radiation budget, suggest other factors that affect the mean annual temperature of the tropics. discuss how industrial development and related human activities change the energy balance to intensify global warming.

1101: describe and explain the distinctive characteristics of the polar continental air mass that develops over the northern interior of Asia in winter. how does the southward movement of the air mass modify the temperatures and lead to the formation of precipitation in the winter of South China? discuss how the changing weather condition associated with the movement of the polar continental air mass may affect the economy of places along its path.

1201:describe the characteristics of trade winds and explain their formation. how does the seasonal shifting of the overhead sun affect the patterns of trade winds? to what extent do trade win control the variations of rainfall in the equatorial region over the year?
1201: 描述信風的特徵及解釋它們是如何形成的。當頭日的季節性移動如何影響信風的形態?信風在多大程度上支配著赤道區域全年的降雨差異?


原帖由 ckh822 於 2014-4-18 11:35 AM 發表
join us 好似冇各年essay答案

JOINUS AL係冇出過地理版本
另外有本都叫做AL ESSAY 答案既參考書都係去到2002 同埋都絕左版,基本上搵唔到


原帖由 yipkahang 於 2014-4-18 11:51 AM 發表
我想問下dry farming係咪姐係解growing non-water demanding crop
例如有一題係問 how to adopt to sustain farm production? 咁我都答到crop rotation 但我其實唔知crop rotation點樣係sustainable
Dry farming: A type of farming practiced in arid areas 1) without irrigation by 2) planting drought-resistant crops and 3) maintaining a fine surface tilth or mulch that protects the natural moisture of the soil from evaporation.

Q1:  non-water demanding crop? 想睇下我有冇錯解你既意思: 你係想指不需要太多水分生長的作物? 如果係咁既,我會建議用返drought-resistant crops (抗旱作物) 會比常用, 易明, 同埋MARKING常出現。
首先你要將一塊地劃分做數塊:假設分做3塊 + 種兩種作物A同B
土地1 : 種作物A
土地2: 種作物B
土地3: 唔種

土地1: 唔種
土地2: 作物A
土地3: 作物B

好處: 令土地有時間休息,回復返肥力(因為冇作物去提取),避免土地養份耗盡既情況出現,亦都避免土地退化,令土地可以可持地使用


Dry farming: A type of farming practiced in arid areas 1) without irrigation by 2) planting drought-resistant crops and 3) maintaining a fine surface tilth or mulch that protects the natural moisture of the soil from evaporation.

方法1) 靠天雨,而不灌溉
方法2) 種抗旱作物
方法3) 會在土地上蓋上東西,如收割後作物的莖部,防止土壤直接受陽光照射,減少土壤水分流失,即保存土壤水分

有關好處:你可以係以下D個網再搵下,如減少蟲害的發生--> 生產量提高; 種完豆科植物-->增加土壤中氮含量-->可以種植對氮需求量高的作物 / 生產量提高

[ 本帖最後由 draw 於 2014-4-18 12:37 PM 編輯 ]


原帖由 yipkahang 於 2014-4-18 12:42 PM 發表

不過有小小唔明  師兄提及到係靠天雨,而不灌溉 但係係乾旱地區靠天雨 有小小唔明...

CROP ROTATION係include埋fallowing?
乾旱地區: 年降雨量少(即會落雨但年降雨量少) + 蒸發量高 -> 雨水唔比植物吸左,就會好快蒸發走, 所以D人冇水去灌溉,唯有靠個天落雨時,植物迅速吸收生長。

CROP ROTATION 既定義係指同一塊田,每年輪流種植不同的作物->咁就可以避免耗盡土壤中既某一種養分,令其他養分可以補充


重要聲明:小卒資訊論壇 是一個公開的學術交流及分享平台。 論壇內所有檔案及內容 都只可作學術交流之用,絕不能用商業用途。 所有會員均須對自己所發表的言論而引起的法律責任負責(包括上傳檔案或連結), 本壇並不擔保該等資料之準確性及可靠性,且概不會就因有關資料之任何不確或遺漏而引致之任何損失或 損害承擔任何責任(不論是否與侵權行為、訂立契約或其他方面有關 ) 。