
投票項目 ( 單選 ) 參與人數 17

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7. 7.0
8. 5g

[Eng] ielts writing求評

ielts writing求評

Itis generally believed that the Internet is an excellent means of communicationbut some people suggest that it may not be the best place to find information.

Discussboth these views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays, manypeople have access to Internet. It provides efficient communication platformand a multitude of information for people. This essay will argue thatelectronic communication decrease real communication with others andcommunicative quality. Moreover, the Internet is a proper channel of findinginformation.

Undoubtedly, the Internetprovides convenient and rapid communication in any time and any place. Ifpeople are being alone, they can talk with anyone far by electric devices. Itcan temporarily reduce bore, but it has long-term impact on communication.Firstly, virtual communication reduces real communication. As the plenty ofcommunication software and apps come forth, more and more people addicted tovirtual world communication. Even though some people are together, they mightbe distracted by massages in their mobile phone, so they might not get alongwith each other normally.

In addition to realcommunication, the Internet also decreases communicative quality. The form ofelectric communication differs from real communication. People use non-verbalcommunication such as words, pictures and emoticons. In a long run, theircapabilities of real communication might be decreased.

On the other hand,the Internet can be an excellent source of information. Some students do extra researchfor assignments or other purposes. It is confused for students to searchinformation in books or journals. Even though there are some argue that


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