
[Chem] Silver oxide+ dilute HCl

回覆 1# SMALLWA 的帖子

AgCl(s) is insoluble in water and white precipitate is formed.

So it is
not a colourless solution because white precipitate is not colourless and make the solution cloudy.

[ 本帖最後由 andylai 於 2017-12-10 08:56 PM 編輯 ]
黎sir, 數學物理經濟組合科學(生物,物理)(化學,物理)奪取5**, 20年補習經驗.導師簡介:


原帖由 SMALLWA 於 2017-12-10 05:31 PM 發表
如果係AgCl formed on its surface==> stop the reaction

Yes, there is still a reaction but it is not effective.

You can refer to 2006 HKCEE Chemistry Paper 2 MC 48

For example, Carbon dioxide cannot be effectively prepared by the action of dilute sulphuric acid on calcium carbonate because there is a insoluble calcium sulphate layer formed on the calcium carbonate and eventually stop the reaction, but there is still a reaction for a while before the insoluble sulphate layer covered all the surface of calcium carbonate.

[ 本帖最後由 andylai 於 2017-12-10 08:58 PM 編輯 ]
黎sir, 數學物理經濟組合科學(生物,物理)(化學,物理)奪取5**, 20年補習經驗.導師簡介:


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