
[大學升學資訊] M2 good reference source

M1/2 isn't really that important when it comes to university applications, unless you're looking at STEM subjects. For most of the degrees where M1/2 isn't required or preferred, universities would only consider the higher grade between Core Math and M1/2 for Math. Check out the JUPAS catalogue or go to orientation days for more information.

Personally, I think your textbook and past papers (CE/some AL/DSE) should be sufficient. M2 is challenging, but not impossibly difficult that you need to have a strong math sense to get a decent grade. For the most part, being careful with your calculations will get you a very high score already. Going for 5** however requires some intuitions (which, again, can be developed by working hard).

If you're really struggling, I'd suggest asking your teacher for advice before consider dropping it. Again, I must reiterate that M2 is not a requirement to apply for some top university degrees - it really depends on what the degrees are.

P.S. I might not be the best person to ask, because I'm actually better at M2 than Core Math.
P.P.S. Fix your English.


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