
港大英文教育final year

港大英文教育final year

🌟HKU English Education Final-year student
🌟4.5 years' private teaching experience (IELTS, DSE)
🌟 3 years of in-school part-time teaching experience (English programmes)
🌟DSE Tutor in Enhancement Programmes
&#127775eer Writing Tutor at the University of Hong Kong
🌟Graduated from Band 1A School [傳統名女校]  
🔥 Passed LPATE (Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers of English Language)  
🔥 IELTS 7.5, Listening Band 8.5, Reading Band 8, Speaking and Writing Band 7  
🔥 DSE 5*, reading 5*, speaking 5**
🔥 SBA 95 marks
🔥 Academic Grammar, Academic Speaking & Writing, Cambridge Exams (IELTS, KET, PET, Starter, Mover, Flyer)
🌟Fluent English (Exchange at The University of Queensland, Australia)

About my tutorials and outcome:
🌟2018-2021 DSE Students Level 5 or above // retakers improved by at least 1 level in each paper!!!!
🌟Students range from Band 1 to Band 3, so I clearly understand your needs and goals   
🌟A very personal and specific learning plan devised at the start
🔥 Very skill-oriented for all four papers!!! I will make sure you understand before we move on to the next topic!
🌟Very detailed feedback on your writing and speaking performance after our practice
&#127775atient, encouraging
🔥Unlimited after-class follow-up via Signal / WhatsApp / WeChat / Telegram

Please feel free to WhatsApp 97825734 if you have any questions about preparing for the 2022/2023/2024 DSE Exams or if you want to schedule a lesson with me! Looking forward to seeing you!

You are not alone


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