
投票項目 ( 單選 ) 參與人數 282

1. 應該

243 (86.17%)

2. 唔應該

31 (10.99%)

3. 唔識6.4

8 (2.84%)





[ 本帖最後由 Ronald_Chui 於 2009-6-15 01:49 PM 編輯 ]


The question is irrelevant.  It does not matter it "should be" or not, it just will not be.  There are four reasons:

1. If it happens, it will destabilize the current establishment.  But most people (the haves) have the incentives to keep the status duo: regular people have real jobs for a change and people with connections can leverage the large labor pool to make more than a few quick bucks and become filthy rich.  The villages (the have-nots) can move and work in the city.  There is no driving force for a change.

2. there are no leaders.  The 6-4 student leaders all went to US/Europe and morphed into tycoons, making a killing on Wall Street.  Who cares about 6-4?

3. The general public, with scant information from schools (which are part of the propagation machinery of the party) do not have a deep understanding of the situation.

4. The general public is turning their attention to the economic crisis of the world, signaling a collapse of the old Western world-dominated financial system.  Who has time to worry about 6-4?


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