
[Non-Jupas] Applying to HK Universities

Applying to HK Universities

I am a student from Hong Kong who is studying in GCE A-level in UK.

First, my predicted grade are A*AAA in Maths, physics, chemistry and biology and my IELTS result is 7.5. I have also got work experience and volunteer in hospital.
I want to apply for medicine in both hku and cu in Hong Kong. Although I know the chance of getting in is actually quite small. However, I still want to have a try on that. I want to ask if I only got a low A in AS, will I still be able to get A* in Alevel? I have searched some information stating that to get an A*, you need an average of 90% in A2 units and 480 marks in total for AS and AL, is that true(given that my exam board is AQA for Maths, Physics, chemistry and OCR for Biology)? Do you think it would be dangerous to apply for medicine in both universities?

Second, I am also interested in medical laboratory science in poly u and biomedical science in hku. Do you know what are the normal entrance requirements for both of the subject? Do I have the chance to get in any of them?

Thank you very much!


u need at least 3 A*


At least 4A*
Minimum >90% each subject


Will I still be able to get A* even I got A in my AS?


U should ask yourself'


AQA GCE should be easy
Maths: depends on which A2 units you choose
Chem: quite easy, if u can master all the involved reaction mechanisms and equilibrium calculations
2024-25 DSE Maths Courses: 請按此處


Sorry!I mean would I be able to get A* in A2 even I got a low A in AS level


Thx for your reply! ss3690.
I think I am quite okay with the equilibrium calculation but I need to work more on the reaction mechanisms for Chemistry
Would you think it will be fine if I choose decision maths as my elective of maths?


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